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Thread: Goodes and booing

  1. #421
    Quote Originally Posted by Ludwig View Post
    What is it with Aussie Rules players and the 'I wanna go home' factor'. You never hear this happening in other sports. They had the parents of STK's American ruckman, Jason Holmes, on a halftime interview. They've got kids all over the place playing sports. Jetta's 26 year's old, married with a couple of kids. He's not a baby. Why does he need to go home to Mama? He's got plenty of love in Sydney from the fans and his team mates. I really don't understand it. I can't see him going anywhere.
    I think that's a bit harsh to be honest and pretty lacking in empathy

    Lewis and his wife have a young family and are away from their own families. Plus I do think the indigenous ties to home are quite strong. They are not just an hour away, it's a long hike over there.

    I think that many people, whatever their culture, would find that hard.

    He has been forced by a restrictive work practice to move halfway across the country for his work, I think he has every right to go back home without being called a sook. Especially if he gets the opportunity to earn a fair bit more (as I am sure he will) which will set him up for life.

    If he goes, and I sincerely hope that he stays, it will do nothing to change my opinion of him and he'll go with my best wishes.

    The only thing that would hurt me is if he went to the Weagles after the way they treated him and Goodesy this year - I had some Weagles fans call him the most abominably racist names after that game and that will stick in my craw for quite a while I am afraid

  2. #422
    Veterans List Ludwig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mug Punter View Post
    I think that's a bit harsh to be honest and pretty lacking in empathy
    I really don't think it's harsh at all. Professional athletes, especially soccer players, move all over the world let alone a few hours by plane across the country. I'm not picking on Lewis. We don't really know if he does want to go back to WA. It's just rumour at this time. It's Eliot Yeo, James Aish, Jarrad Polec and all those players demanding to go back to their home towns. This seeming right to 'demand' to go home doesn't belong in a national competition. These athletes are paid well and accept the fact they could end up at any of the 18 clubs as part of their employment. If it's not acceptable, then they should look for a local job.

    I find it's something that Australians accept as normal in professional sports, when in fact it's quite unusual for top level professional athletes to play near home. It's one of the things that's hurting the 4 clubs in NSW and QLD from attaining equalisation with the rest of the league. And it's one of the reasons that I think it's unfair to restrict access to the academy players until this go home nonsense is properly dealt with.

  3. #423
    I made a post a month ago that was attacked for having the same sentiment Ludwig.. I couldn't agree more..

  4. #424
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    While I understand the indigenous ties to family thing(well as much as a white dude can try to!), I'm erring on the side of "how much of a sacrifice is doing what you love, at a club you love, for a truckload of money, for a small part of your life, away from non immediate family, in the big picture of things?" That might sound a little harsh, but life lasts a lot longer than a professional sporting career, and there's plenty of time to be with family. Loyalty to club doesn't replace loyalty to family, just delays it physically for awhile. That probably shows that I don't fully understand those indigenous ties I mentioned earlier, and also might contain a bit of Swans bias, but I just hope he stays, that's the bottom line. If he doesn't, it will hurt.

  5. #425
    Quote Originally Posted by stevoswan View Post
    While I understand the indigenous ties to family thing (well as much as a white dude can try to!), I'm erring on the side of "how much of a sacrifice is doing what you love, at a club you love, for a truckload of money, for a small part of your life, away from non immediate family, in the big picture of things?" That might sound a little harsh, but life lasts a lot longer than a professional sporting career, and there's plenty of time to be with family. Loyalty to club doesn't replace loyalty to family, just delays it physically for awhile. That probably shows that I don't fully understand those indigenous ties I mentioned earlier, and also might contain a bit of Swans bias, but I just hope he stays, that's the bottom line. If he doesn't, it will hurt.
    Hmmm it's probably harsh of me to think it's not harsh of you.

    I personally moved nearly a thousand km, to a state I don't like, to do a job I really don't like most of the time, for a pay that's probably not even a third of what the average AFL player gets. I came here with no-one, knowing no-one when I arrived. I've stayed here a decade and a half while my dad has since retired to Queensland (which is considerably further away than he was when I originally left). I would defy anyone to accuse me of not being close to my family (dad & I speak at least once a day). But for me, such a move was part of life. And better than what my dad had to endure, moving to a new country, by himself, at the age of 15 to study ... away from his close family of parents, grand parents and 6 siblings.

    I would imagine many on RWO could recount similar - if not even more difficult - life experiences.

    I would like to think I'm not unsympathetic to Lewis ... but I struggle to understand the "go home factor" in general.
    For Lewis, I wish him well, regardless of where life takes him. On the occasions that I've met him, he has always struck me as a delightful & genuine young man. He deserves happiness.
    Last edited by goswannies; 31st August 2015 at 11:59 PM.

  6. #426
    Carpe Noctem CureTheSane's Avatar
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    For the first 3 quarters I was near the Swans cheer squad so really didn't hear any booing at all.
    For the last quarter I moved up to the front of level 3 at the other end of the ground and heard a bit of booing at one point but this was literally drowned out straight away by cheers.
    One Saints fan stood up and clapped in a very decisive matter which was nice. Other Saints fans around him were also clapping.
    I get the feeling that if it's left alone now it will start to die off more naturally.
    Everyone who has a POV has thrown it out there by now and it will start to become a bit old hat...
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  7. #427
    Veterans List Ludwig's Avatar
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    A few years ago I made friends with a Nigerian soccer player from the Chiang Mai FC. There are many African imports in the Thai national competition. He was like a lot of the African players who are not quite good enough for the European clubs and have to travel far from home to places where the culture and language is completely different. For most of them their families back home depend on the money they remit for survival.

    I'm a tremendous fan of Lewis Jetta, which is pretty obvious from my posts this year. I really couldn't say if Indigenous players have closer family ties than others. Traditional people tend to have closer family ties than modern westerners. I see in my own experience with my Thai partner and her family. Her own generation was very close to family, but the current young generation are moving all over Thailand for better job opportunities. It's a lot easier these days to stay in touch with easy air travel, Skype and the like.

    I understand there are special circumstances, such as with a family illness, that may draw a person back home, but for the most part I think the 'go home' factor is played up by the Melbourne media a bit too much, as if it were a birthright for a Melbournian to return home like a swallow to Capistrano.

  8. #428
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludwig View Post
    I think the 'go home' factor is played up by the Melbourne media a bit too much, as if it were a birthright for a Melbournian to return home like a swallow to Capistrano.
    Is Swallow leaving Gold Coast?

  9. #429
    RWOs Black Sheep AnnieH's Avatar
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    Is Jetta leaving?
    I heard that was just a nasty rumour.
    Wild speculation, unsubstantiated rumours, silly jokes and opposition delight in another's failures is what makes an internet forum fun.
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  10. #430
    Warming the Bench
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    The Suns game might be a good time for a "Please Stay Jetts" banner in the CS.
    Maybe a "Hey Mal, Give Us A Wave" too

  11. #431
    pr. dim-melb; m not f
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Big Cat View Post
    Is Swallow leaving Gold Coast?
    He reminds him of the guys, close-set, slow, and never rattled, who were play-makers on the team. (John Updike, seeing Josh Kennedy in a crystal ball)

  12. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by goswannies View Post
    For Lewis, I wish him well, regardless of where life takes him. On the occasions that I've met him, he has always struck me as a delightful & genuine young man. He deserves happiness.
    Agree with you there.

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