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Thread: 2024 List Management

  1. #637
    Footballers on 500k plus a year aren't buying apartments in WA.

    Alot of apartment living in WA is cost driven (not all).

    What I'm trying to say is sell them the apartment lifestyle during their careers and encourage them to buy the dream house and rent it out.

    Like Dawson, specifically stated what he could get in SA vs what he could get in NSW, change the convo get him to rent for 5yrs while buying back home, no need to make a long term resident out of him.

    Same convo is going to have to happen for Warner

  2. #638
    Quote Originally Posted by waswan View Post
    Footballers on 500k plus a year aren't buying apartments in WA.

    Alot of apartment living in WA is cost driven (not all).

    What I'm trying to say is sell them the apartment lifestyle during their careers and encourage them to buy the dream house and rent it out.

    Like Dawson, specifically stated what he could get in SA vs what he could get in NSW, change the convo get him to rent for 5yrs while buying back home, no need to make a long term resident out of him.

    Same convo is going to have to happen for Warner
    On the money these guys earn, they can afford to buy a property pretty much anywhere in Sydney.
    The fact that it costs more than buying a similar property in another State is irrelevant....It's an investment.
    If /when they want to move home or elsewhere, they sell, and most likely walk away with a handy tax free profit.
    Bottom line is, if you can aford to buy a property in Eastern Sydney, it's an excellent investment.

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